Tis the season to be thrifty,
Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Your pockets may be empty, but your body still needs clothes!
Trade in any 3 of your old clothes (any brand) and you can get a brand new tee from us at Creme.
Nuff' said,
Let's get moving and shift those old clothes out!
Gong Xi Fa Cai in advance from Team Cremeconcept!
cremeconcepts' threesome promotion is available in Singapore mainland only. Pls refer to www.cremeconcepts.net/threesome.html for more details.
Monday, January 12
Threesome For Freesome
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Cremeconcepts Adminstrator
Saturday, January 10
Get Impish with Amelia
It has been quite a while since we introduced to you our ambassadors.
Thus, our editor had an interview with Amelia- our Not-So Bimbotic Creme Ambassador.
Editor: Hi Amelia!
Amelia: Hi!
E: Why are you a not-so bimbotic ambassador?
A: People (like you) think that all I know how to do is party, whine when I can't get what I want and scream at whoever looks like Fernando Torres but I actually give tuition to work for what i want, run (occasionally), etc. Digressing,I still think we should launch an all-pink collection.
E: What makes you think that you are qualified to be featured as our first ambassador for the year?
A: Because I’ve got the energy and excitement to try out new stuff. And I’m still YOUTHFUL, thank you very much.
E: So what are your limits when it comes to being exciting and sexy?
A: Baring it all doesn’t equate to sexy, and being fully clothed doesn’t mean zero sex appeal. It all comes down to how you carry yourself. I think there’s a thin line between being sexy and trying too hard. To me, sexy = a girl in her boyfriend’s oversized shirt.
E: We heard that you are going to graduate from school soon. So what are your plans for the future?
A: HELL YEAH. Much as poly life was a blast, it’s exciting to be getting out of tertiary life and start a whole new phase. I intend to work more before continuing my studies, but an overseas trip or two after graduation is definitely necessary.
E: Don't u have plan for the upcoming Valentine's Day?
A: Nope. NO DATE. Would you be free?
E: Sure. Why not? But I guess after this publication, you will have lots of dates!
Conclusion: She is still our bimbotic ambassador.
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Cremeconcepts Adminstrator
Sunday, January 4
creme's Jan Treat!!!
The rule still applies. Treat will only be given to our facebook members. Do click on the above picture if you are still not a part of our facebook fan.
Details will be send personally to individual member because this is a close door event. Creme promise, it is an event worth waiting for.
Brought to you by
Cremeconcepts Adminstrator
Friday, January 2
Close Door Party 2009
Our classic satan tee will be the main bounce this time. While busy partying away 2008, the CremeConceptsmanagement has decided to give a treat to our members and friends this January 2009.
"We'd like to start the year by thanking each and everyone of you" says Founder and Creator of CremeConcepts, Mr Spencer L.
So do stay tune while the details will be announced in 48 hrs time.
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Cremeconcepts Adminstrator